This book is not for everyone. If you are severely depressed and you have had or are having suicidal thoughts, this book is for you. The book is an indepth resource for people who are suffering from depression. It talks very frankly about your situation and how hard it is to be there. The author Kay Walker has been where you have been. Twice. And she tried to take her own life. And failed. And she lived to discover how to get her happy back. He to stop the misery. And how to get well. That's because she hates the idea of anyone every having to feel the way you feel. This is a way back. It's simple, it's logical and it takes courage and a commitment to be well. But it works. If you are looking for an unusual lifeline that is not your everyday depression book, then this is the book for you. Or if you are a parent or family or friend of someone described above, this is for you too.
A depression suicide book that speaks the truth. Written by an author who has been there. This book will help you save your own life. It is written specifically for people who are suffering from depression that has become so severe and miserable that they are having suicidal thoughts. The author unsuccessfully attempted suicide herself, and then as she recovered went on a mission to discover how she got so sick, what could have been done about it, and how to recover from severe and horrendous depression. The book tells you everything you need to know about dealing with major depression and the strategies that are available to overcome it. They include short-term “feel good exercises”, natural treatments, pharmaceutical options and additional non-drug therapies that work. The book shows you what to do, what actions to take and who to go to for help. You can recover fully from major depression.Get informed, ask for help get, in action.