Start “Is my teen depressed?” Quiz Is my teen depressed? Why do you think your teen is depressed? They have a loss of interest or pleasure in anything that they used to have They said they are depressed They are unusually anxious, irritable, or angry They seem sad I am not sure Something upsetting happened i.e. experienced a loss, someone died, they broke up with a boyfriend, etc Has your teen undergone a diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day? I am not sure Some activities, not others Yes, I have noticed this Yes, they said that's true Not all or a few, but one or two. Has your teen undergone significant change in weight (up or down 5 to 10 lbs) without dieting in a few weeks or less. Or do they have a decrease or increase in appetite almost every day? Yes they are suddenly hungry all the time and/or have put on weight suddenly Yes they never eat much anymore - and they used to have an average or good appetite No, not that I have noticed They have suddenly lost some weight (5 to 10 lbs or more) in a short period of time. Are they having trouble sleeping? Or do they sleep too much? (A sudden change in how it was before) No change in this I am not sure Yes they have started sleeping much longer than normal Yes they have frequent insomnia (can't sleep) Has your teen been reporting feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day? Yes, this is true No, they haven't I am not sure Does your teen have trouble concentrating or are they indecisive? I am not sure Sometimes this is true Yes I have noticed this for several days or more lately Yes, they have said this is a problem for them now and it's ongoing Is your teen reporting recurring thoughts of death (not just fear of dying) or suicidal thoughts? Or have they attempted suicide? I am not sure No none of these Yes they say they think about death frequently They said they have been thinking about suicide They have attempted suicide How long has your teen been depressed? A week, but less than 2 weeks Less than a week I am not sure Two weeks or more Are they showing sign of fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day? A few days here and then yes, but not every day Yes they seem tired or low energy all the time and it's been going on for a while I am not sure No I haven't noticed this Have you or others noticed that they pace around a room, wring their hands, have uncontrolled tongue movement, or do they pull off clothing and put it back on and other similar actions? And do they seem very agitated? Yes this describes them (I have seen it or other people have reported seeing it) No I haven't noticed this. Or other people haven't reported it to me. If you reported yes to any of the previous questions are these symptoms causing your teen significant distress or is it impairing their social interactions with friends or family, or are they having trouble functioning normally at school or work? Yes, the symptoms are causing my teen distress and harming their quality of life. They are not functionally normally I am not sure No, while there are a few symptoms present, they are not disrupting their ability to normally interact with their friends, attend and study at school school or function at work. They seem normal to everyone else, except at home with the family Is your teen abusing drugs or alcohol? Or has a doctor said that the symptoms you have reported in this quiz are as a result of a medication they are on or a symptom of a diagnosed health condition? I am not sure. Yes they are abusing drugs and/or alcohol. No none of those apply You have completed the “Is my Teen Depressed” quiz from Name:Email:« Back Next »