Whether you write a blog or report for a local or national media outlet, your voice is really important around the issue of suicide prevention, mental health and wellness.
At Depression Zone (formerly “Read This Before You Kill Yourself”) , our team is available to you as a resource in your coverage of these critical issues. Our founder Kay Walker is a depression recovery and suicide prevention expert and author and a survivor of attempted suicide and major depression.
Kay makes it a priority to be available to the media. She is very mediagenic, informed and articulate on these issues and can provide you with the information you need for the story you are working on.
Topics she can address and comment on:
- The depression plague
- Suicide prevention
- The state of mental health in America and Canada
- News events around high-profile suicides (like Robin Williams)
- Every day wellness and the lack of attention it gets
- Depression, in all its forms
- Teenage suicide
- Suicide among middle-aged men
- Support and education for family and friends of depression sufferers
- Employer support for depression
Where possible she can appear for in-person interviews. She is based in Tampa, Florida.
She can also do on-camera interviews by Skype orFaceTime, as needed.
Media copies of her book “Feel Better Now” are available for review or reference. If you would like to book an a interview to speak to Kay, please email her directly at [email protected] and specify what you are looking for, what your deadline is and the topic you are covering. She or a member of her team will respond within one business day or on a short same-day deadline within the hour. You can reach her by phone through our company switchboard at 813-341-2979.
Where possible we ask for a link from your media outlet web site to https://mydepressionzone.com. For radio or TV interviews we ask that any content used from this site or from an interview with Kay Walker is attributed to: Kay Walker, Depression Recovery Expert, https://mydepressionzone.com.
To learn more about Kay Walker, read her biography.
Go to: Press images for media
You come to us or we can come to you for interviews
Depression recovery expert Kay Walker is available to media to comment on mental health trends and issues as well as breaking news pertaining to legislation, poverty, high-profile suicides and any other depression related topics.
She is based in Tampa, Florida and can be available by phone, email, FaceTime or Skype to do interviews nationally or internationally.
She is available locally to come to your studio as needed. Or you can come to her office in the New Tampa area (Cross Creek and Bruce B Downs Blvd) or at her downtown Tampa office on Rocky Point Drive.