Depression Fighter

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If you’re suffering from major depression and STRUGGLING TO STAY ALIVE, please know this: Your being happy and feeling good is NOT because it’s impossible for YOU to ever be happy or wake up to a life you love. Feeling good is not as far away as you think.


What’s between you and getting well is receiving the right type of support and learning the simple actions you need to take to recover.


…..because you don’t need another crisis line to call so you can talk to a volunteer who has minimal expertise in crisis intervention.


….because you don’t need another therapy session with a stuffy Ph.D who has had no firsthand experience with depression.


….because you don’t need to sit in a waiting room for twelve hours so you can see a doctor that will give you a sedative so you can get through your night and send you away with no real resources.


…because you don’t need to attend another community group therapy session where you listen to other people’s problems and get no resolution.


…because you don’t need to read another self-help book that’s written academically or at least is helpful but yet has not actionable steps for you take


….because you don’t need to read through another online resource that’s either a National website with suicide facts and FAQs, or a thrown-together personal site with opinions over real guidance.


…because you don’t need your name to go on another waitlist so you can spend two more months waiting to get into a hospital or see a therapist or doctor (that you’ll have to spend ample $$$ on to see)


When you hate your life and think about killing yourself daily WAITING is not an option. When you feel like this, each minute of your day lasts an eternity. All you want is the pain to go away.


And not tomorrow, or in a week, or month. RIGHT NOW.


Okay, so here’s your solution and it will change your life forever.









From: Kay Walker


Dear depressed and struggling friend,



Even though you’ve been having thoughts of suicide, the truth is, I know you don’t really want to kill yourself. If you wanted to die you wouldn’t be reading this page.


At times you may feel as though you really want to die. That there is nothing you can do to feel better or turn your life around. You may have even done the research.


Should you hang yourself? Overdose? Perhaps, a gun would be the easiest way to go?


Let me answer that one for you from experience, there is no easy way to kill yourself. All forms of death involve tremendous pain and suffering, more than what you are feeling now. And many people try and end up alive and maimed. (Just so you know the reality about the whole suicide thing.)


But the fact that you are vascilating on acting on the those thoughts means there is at least 1% of you that wants to stay alive.


There is still one brick in your pile of rubble. It’s all you need to start putting your house back together. (Whether you are sure if you want to or not).


And feeling better is not as far away as you may think it is. It’s also not as hard as you think. It only looks that way because you’re in pain right now, so everything seems impossible.


You’re probably having such negative thoughts that you don’t believe what I am saying. You don’t think YOU can ever get better. You think any action you take is too HARD. It’s all a painful mess. That’s part of the problem with depression.


So, it’s important you take your thoughts and feelings out of the REALITY of your situation. HERE IS THE TRUTH:



Happy people don’t want to end their lives. This is as much as a law as gravity is.



Learn some skills for managing thoughts (that you probably never learned because it’s not something that is taught in school or formerly. It’s usually something we learn from our parents) and get better immediately. These types of tools can change how you think right away.



Your getting better is actually quite simple. It can “seem” more complicated because you’ve fallen into one or more of the following traps:


Trap 1: Your giving your feelings too much validity. When you’re depression what you feel often has nothing to do with reality. It’s your reality but it’s not real. It’s you putting a negative spin on everything. So how you see life and recovery is skewed by a negative filter that is always running.


It’s why getting better looks impossible and hard and not for YOU.


Again, what’s true is:

Getting better takes some simple actions

Getting better can happen as soon as one day from now and as long as a few months. Time is inevitable so your situation will change.

You have complete control over getting better.

90% of depressed people recover and lead healthy lives.

Getting better is for YOU. You are not different than any other human. You are an individual, yes, but you have a similar genetic makeup and disposition and problems. RECOVERY IS FOR YOU.


Trap 2: You have limited information on depression and the treatments available to you. If you don’t know natural remedies exist and only know about medications, you’ll take medications. You can only use the tools you have. When you increase the number of tools in your belt you have more options and one will likely be the one to fix your problem.


Trap 3: You’ve already learned a lot and explored treatment methods and you have not found a solution yet. You can’t bare to take any more time to learn anything else. You’ve given up. You feel you don’t have time. You do have time. Time is endless. You just need to learn tactics for dealing with your current pain and reducing symptoms. When you learn basic coping mechanisms they act as triage to get you through treatment exploration to find what works and recover. When you learn these coping strategies the time isn’t as bad.


This is why you need to do the 7 days to feel better course and get The Feel Better Now ebook. It’s an IMMEDIATE solution to all your current issues. You don’t have to wait for help. When you sign up, the course starts right away and you get the ebook automatically.


You’ll also stop having to do everything aimlessly and alone. I’ll be checking in with you multiple times a day. I’ll be sending you new tools, tips and tactics and cheer you on.


Because few people understand, like I do, how difficult recovery is and how badly sometimes you just need some encouragement so you can keep going. It’s nice to know the real deal from someone who has been there.


The added benefit is that I have formal training and expertise. The course lessons are routed in a study known as ontology that incorporates fundamentals in neuroscience and psychology. So you’ll learn:



After 7 days if you don’t feel you got value from the course you can ask for a full refund and I will send you back your money. It’s 100% guaranteed.


Though, I’m sure you agree it’s not much money. And you may be wondering why the course is so low. It’s simply because I want anyone who feels depressed or suicidal to be able to do it, no matter what your background or situation.


Not to mention, you may have all ready paid enough money on medications and therapies that haven’t helped you.


I believe in a help for all approach. I also believe it’s a right that you learn certain skills so you can succeed and build a life for yourself you never thought was possible.


And the money from the course is what’s use to fund these resources to help more people. So, it’s a bit of a pay it forward thing.

All the help you need is right here. Access your ebook and course right away.

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