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How masturbation can help relieve mental and physical pain

Masturbation is a personal topic. You may not want to discuss it with your loved one. It’s suggested you share this article with them so they know how this can be a tool to help them when negative symptoms of depression become excruciating to deal with.

Advice for anyone suffering from depression:

When you feel severely depressed and you’ve exhausted all your options, you can get brief reprieve from the mental and/or physical pain you’re experiencing by masturbating. It will give you major relief on the spot, when you need it.

If you masturbate already, this advice won’t make your uncomfortable. If you don’t, keep reading this article. It will provide you with an understanding of the physiological processes involved in masturbation and how they can temporarily reduce uncomfortable emotional and physical pain

This is science. It’s not wrong or bad to masturbate. It’s completely normal and natural. There is nothing wrong with touching your own body and genitals to bring yourself to orgasm.  And it could help you when nothing else can.

Unlike other methods of pain relief – drinking, drugs, overeating, yelling at someone, hiding your life away in a dark room – it’s a healthy way of dealing with biological or neurological pain.

It’s a brilliant way of relieving the mental and physical tension that occurs from anxiety and depression. And it’s something you can do on your own, anytime, anywhere, privately.

How masturbation can help relieve mental and physical pain

How orgasm relieves pain:

The euphoric feeling produced by an orgasm is linked to the nerves sent to the brain’s pleasure center, or reward circuit. The sexual arousal felt in the body floods the brain with a surge of happy brain chemicals.

The areas of the brain impacted by sexual arousal include the amygdala, nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area (VTA), cerebellum, and the pituitary gland. These brain regions are all connected to emotional regulation and hormone secretion. Over 30 brain regions are stimulated during an orgasm.

Dopamine is also released during orgasm. It is a feel good chemical. It’s the same chemical that some antidepressants target.

During orgasm a brain region call the lateral orbitofrontal cortex gets turned off. It controls self evaluation, reason and self control. It momentarily stops the brain from thinking the thoughts that are running as a results of anxiety and depression. It shuts down fear and anxiety for a short period of time.

When a woman experiences as orgasm the amgydala brain goes it to a state of relaxation. For men, relaxation to the same area reduces aggression.

Overall, the body experiences deep relaxation and pleasure. The heart rate slows.

Quick tutorial in masturbation

If you don’t masturbate regularly, all you need to do is to touch your body and genitals where it feels good. This is a personal journey.

If you find that you can’t concentrate enough, there are tools you can use that will help you, try:

Masturbation can help when nothing else can. It’s a healthy way of relieving the pain. Find some private time, alone and give it a try.

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